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Bibeln zum hören

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2 Kings
2 Kings
The second book of Kings depicts Israel as a land divided, being ruled by wicked kings who lead the Israelite people only further into idolatry and sin. Throughout this period, the prophets, notably Elijah and Elisha, bring hope for...
4,99 € *
The genre of Proverbs is mainly "Proverbs" as the name describes, there are also some Parables and Poetry. This book was written mainly by Solomon, the wisest king ever to rule, however some of the later sections are written by Lemuel...
4,99 € *
Song Of Solomon
Song Of Solomon
The book of Song of Solomon is a large love poem filled with smaller poems of different kinds. Solomon is the author and he wrote it sometime during his reign 970-930 B.C. It is a story of a bridegroom who is in love with his bride. Key...
4,99 € *
Salomo - Das Hohelied der Liebe (Szenische Lesung)
Salomo - Das Hohelied der Liebe (Szenische Lesung)
Das Hohelied der Liebe ist einer der ungewöhnlichsten Texte der jüdischen und christlichen Religionsgeschichte: ein unvergänglicher Lobgesang auf die Liebe und die Schönheit und eine Poesie erotischer Wonnen - in berauschend schönen...
7,95 € *
Die Bibel - für Kinder erzählt
Die Bibel - für Kinder erzählt
Das Alte und Neue Testament in 100 kurzen Geschichten, kindgerecht erzählt. Altes Testament: Die Erschaffung der Welt, Der Garten Eden, Der Verlust des Paradieses, Kain und Abel, Die Sintflut, Der Turmbau zu Babel, Die Berufung Abrahams...
14,95 € *
Kinderbibel: Altes & Neues Testament in 5 Minuten Geschichten
Kinderbibel: Altes & Neues Testament in 5...
Die Kinderbibel: Das Alte und Neue Testament in 5-Minuten-Geschichten!!!Eine tolle Sache für Kids - und vorlesegestresste Eltern: Die 20 schönsten Geschichten des Alten und Neuen Testaments in 5-Minuten-Geschichten. Perfekt als...
14,95 € *
The Words of Christ: From the book of Matthew
The Words of Christ: From the book of Matthew
This audio book extracts the Words of Christ from the Book of Matthew. Listening only to the words of Jesus Christ brings his idioms to the forefront creating a new sense of his life's story line. Even though the entire story line is not...
0,49 € *
The King James Audio Bible Volume One The Books Of Moses
The King James Audio Bible Volume One The Books...
The first five books of the Bible, also known as the Pentateuch, were written by Moses and are an important introduction to the rest of the Bible as they contain the history of the Jewish people from the creation of the world to their...
9,99 € *
The King James Audio Bible Volume Four The Prophetic Books
The King James Audio Bible Volume Four The...
The Prophetical books of the Old Testament are named for the many prophets chosen by God to warn the Israelite people of their waywardness and urge them to repent and stay faithful to Him. The majority of these books were written before...
9,99 € *
The King James Audio Bible New Testament Complete
The King James Audio Bible New Testament Complete
The New Testament is well-known for recording the miraculous life and death of Jesus, but it also contains the spread of Christianity by His disciples after the Resurrection. The majority of the New Testament is epistles written by the...
9,99 € *
Die Kinderbibel 6
Die Kinderbibel 6
Die Geschichten von Elia bis Ester wurden kindgerecht aufbereitet und von professionellen Sprechern (Barbara Sewien und Elmar Gunsch) spannend vorgetragen. Die biblischen Geschichten sind in kleine, kindverträgliche Einheiten aufgeteilt...
4,99 € *
Die Anselm Grün Bibel
Die Anselm Grün Bibel
Pater Anselm Grün hat die schönsten Passagen des neuen Testaments ausgewählt und zusammengestellt. Die Texte werden von ihm eingehend vorgestellt und interpretiert. Klar und einfühlsam arbeitet er die jeweiligen Kernaussagen heraus und...
29,95 € *
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