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The Holy Bible - Jonah
The Holy Bible - Jonah
The Book of Jonah is about the Prophet Jonah. It is a story about a rebellious prophet who defies God. God asks Jonah to go east to Nineveh and preach to them. Instead of obeying God, he boards a ship with pagan sailors going west. During his encounter with the pagans, he asks them to throw him overboard, which they reluctantly do. Instead of letting him drown, God sends a...
1,99 € *
The Holy Bible - Zephaniah
The Holy Bible - Zephaniah
In the Book of Zephaniah, a powerful message is shared using potent imagery. The prophet had been warning the Israelites for years about obeying their covenant with God but to no avail. In the book, Prophet Zephaniah foretold the destruction of Jerusalem during the days of King Josiah. Amid the transgressions of the Jews, the king had made reformations for the people to...
1,99 € *
The Holy Bible - Zechariah
The Holy Bible - Zechariah
After the return of the exiled Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem, prophets Zechariah and Haggai motivated the people to rebuild the temple. The people asked Zechariah when the temple would be rebuilt. Zechariah turns to the people and tells them to be true to their covenant with God, do good deeds, and not be like their ancestors; the people agree. Zechariah then has a series...
1,99 € *
The Holy Bible - Obadiah
The Holy Bible - Obadiah
The Book of Obadiah is a very short book. In this book, the prophet Obadiah warns the nation of Edom. The people of Edom were full of pride and indulged in self-exaltation. During the Babylonian attack on Israel, they sided with the oppressors. The book warns Edom on the coming of God's judgment for their pride and violence against Israel. It says that Edom will be brought...
1,99 € *
The Holy Bible - Joel
The Holy Bible - Joel
The Book of Joel narrates the story of the Prophet Joel. The book starts with him telling the people that a locust invasion has wreaked havoc on the land. He asked the priests and people to ask forgiveness from God and prayed. He then goes on to describe a day in the future when the locusts will attack again. This time, he describes the locusts in a way that seems like God...
1,99 € *
The Holy Bible - Haggai
The Holy Bible - Haggai
After the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, and the return of the Jews from Babylon, the temple still lay in ruin. The prophet Haggai tells the people that they were building fancy houses for themselves. Instead, they should prioritize the reconstruction of the temple. Some people start to do so. A month later, Haggai returns to review the rebuilding efforts but is...
1,99 € *
The Holy Bible - Habakkuk
The Holy Bible - Habakkuk
The Book of Habakkuk is a dialogue that Prophet Habakkuk has with God. After witnessing the injustices and corruption in Israel, he cries out to God to do something. God responds by saying that He is aware that the Israelites had gone astray and He is planning to bring Babylon to destroy them. Habakkuk responds by saying that the Babylonians are even worse. They act without...
1,99 € *
Englisch Lernen Mit Der Bibel
Englisch Lernen Mit Der Bibel
Ob zu Hause, im Sprachkurs oder für unterwegs - dem Einsatz dieses audio Trainers sind kaum Grenzen Gesetz. Trainieren Sie das Hören und Verstehen der Englischen Sprache mit biblischen Geschichten, die in ihrer Klarheit und zeitlosen Schönheit geradezu prädestiniert hierfür sind. Die Audio Produktion umfasst eine Auswahl von Geschichten und Texten die in Deutscher und...
2,49 € *
The Words of Christ: From the book of Matthew
The Words of Christ: From the book of Matthew
This audio book extracts the Words of Christ from the Book of Matthew. Listening only to the words of Jesus Christ brings his idioms to the forefront creating a new sense of his life's story line. Even though the entire story line is not included in the audio, the pure sense of what Christ was saying during his short time on earth still rings true today.
0,49 € *
King James Bibel
King James Bibel
Eine gute Englische Bibel als kostenloser Download. mal reinhören Der Link für direkt zum Download. Dieser startet sofort.
0,00 € *
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